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Spring 2016 Releases...
Black Widow Bitches  (2016)
By Victor Cass

In this gritty, heart-thumping war epic, Cass takes us into the deadly, blood-soaked world of the first all-female combat infantry division.

The current “War on Terrorism” spirals out of control and engulfs much of the globe. Iconic cities and countries have been reduced to smoldering ruins of hopelessness across Europe and much of the free world, as brutal, rampaging terrorists unite across national, ethnic, and political lines to establish a Caliphate and crush millions of innocent resisters.

Opposed to a draft, the U.S. President asks each American family to send one volunteer to fight. A daring woman Army general, Jennifer Reed, proposes a bold move: training women for full-fledged combat in elite, all-women military units. Despite tremendous odds, her plan is grudgingly accepted, and the history-shattering 135th Airborne Division – the “Black Widows” – are born.

Book Synopsis – Click to download

Author Interview – Click to download
Hardback, 6" x 9", 830 pages
Price: $29.95 + tax + shipping
Paperback, 6" x 9", 195 pages
Price: $14.95 + tax + shipping
Altadena Poetry Review: Anthology 2016
Edited by Thelma T. Reyna

A compilation of 86 poets from throughout Southern California, including 7 Poets Laureate, 11 Pushcart Prize Nominees, and over 20 national literary award winners, all representing over 158 books authored by these poets. 

All the works in this superb collection were reviewed and selected by 8 published poets serving as a “peer review panel” with the editor, Poet Laureate Thelma T. Reyna. An outstanding contemporary book to add to your collection!

Khadija Anderson
Vibiana Aparicio-Chamberlin
RD Armstrong
Jack G. Bowman
John Brantingham
G. Larry Butler
Tim Callahan
Don Kingfisher Campbell
Gloriana Casey
Peggy Castro
Jessica Ceballos
Teresa Mei Chuc
Stephen Colley
Beverly M. Collins
Jack Cooper
Stacy DeGroot
Seven Dhar
Pauli Dutton
Richard Hawkins Dutton
Lynn Fayne
Mark A. Fisher
G T Foster
Elsa Frausto
Joyce Futa
Esther Gillies
Damian Gonzalez
Gerda Govine Ituarte
Dorothy Randall Gray
Miriam Quezada Hagerman
Poets Published in the Altadena Poetry Review: Anthology 2016
Peter J. Harris​
Hazel Clayton Harrison
Marlene Hitt
Joan Hoffman
Alexandra Hohmann
Lisa’ Anne G. Ivey
Briony James
Lois P. Jones
Bonnie S. Kaplan
Joe Kelly
Mina Kirby
Deborah P Kolodji
Nancy Lind
Elline Lipkin
Janis Abright Lukstein
Joe Lusnia
Radomir Vojtech Luza
Karineh Mahdessian
Shahe Mankerian
Mira Mataric
Alice Meerson
Jill Meunier
Maryam Mottahedeh
Janet Nippell
JK Nunley
Toti O’Brien
Sharaya Olmeda
Alice Pero
Tony Peyser

Monteque Pope-Le Beau
Albie Preciado​
Teddie-Joy Remhild
Luivette Resto
Thelma T. Reyna
Sharon Rizk
Jeff Rogers
Susan Rogers
Mona Rose
Cathie Sandstrom
Elsa M.J. Seifert
Dorothy Skiles
Carl (CaLokie) Stilwell
Amanda Sullivan
Mary Langer Thompson
Brian John Thorpe
K. Titchenell
Jose Trejo-Maya
Maja Trochimczyk
Lori Wall-Holloway
Mari Werner
Jan Wesley
Jacquelyn Bellard Wilson
John Wiltshire
Joe Witt
J.K. Won
Lorrie Wood 
Helen Yagake
WINNER: 2016 BOOK EXCELLENCE AWARD, Anthology Category
FINALIST: 2016: Military Category